Improved Irrigation Efficiency in Ludogorie and Southern Bulgaria
Recent upgrades to several irrigation channels have resulted in the ability to irrigate more fields using less water. This announcement was made by Snezhina Dineva, the head of “Irrigation Systems” EAD, in an interview with a local news outlet. She highlighted that these enhancements primarily affect the Ludogorie region and Southern Bulgaria.
Farmers in these areas have expressed a greater demand for irrigation services following the rehabilitation of the channels. According to Dineva, the improvements have led to increased efficiency, allowing for more fields to be irrigated with reduced water consumption.
As the rehabilitation of the irrigation infrastructure progresses, it is anticipated that water savings for irrigation could be cut by half. These advancements aim to support local agriculture while promoting sustainable water use in the region.
Investment in Irrigation Infrastructure
It was highlighted that following the completion of the rehabilitation of the main irrigation channel M-1, part of the “Vinitsa” irrigation system, funding from the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 has been utilized. This investment falls under measure 4.3, which focuses on supporting investments in infrastructure related to the development, modernization, or adaptation of agriculture and forestry through measure 4 aimed at investing in tangible assets.
Impact on Irrigated Areas
As a result of these improvements, the area of irrigated land within the Shumen branch has increased by over 5,000 hectares. Notably, this expansion has been achieved while maintaining the same volume of water usage as prior to the rehabilitation efforts.
Topolnitsa Project
The situation is quite similar with the Topolnitsa branch, where the rehabilitation of the hydraulic structure known as “Aleko Pazardzhik” has resulted in an increase of 3,000 hectares of irrigated land. Following the renovations, the same water resource is utilized despite the expanded irrigation areas, just as it was prior to the upgrades.
Water Conservation Efforts
Snezina Dineva has assured that we will achieve a 50% reduction in water usage due to the improvements made across all irrigation facilities operated by the association. This initiative is intended to enhance efficiency and promote sustainable water management in the region.
Water Supply Regulations in Bulgaria
In response to inquiries from the press regarding whether “Irrigation Systems” has been asked to supply water to neighboring countries like Turkey and Greece, the organization clarified that their water distribution services are exclusively available within Bulgaria. They emphasized that they do not maintain or operate any facilities for water delivery beyond the national borders.
Authority on Water Management
The organization pointed out that the Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) is the governing body responsible for water management in the country. This includes the authority to grant or deny water usage requests at a national level. Any applications, agreements, or commitments regarding water usage are managed through this ministry, ensuring that all actions comply with national regulations.
Water Supply Agreements and International Relations
The director of the water management company has stated that discussions regarding water supply to other nations do not fall within their operational scope. Meanwhile, officials from the Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) have remarked to “Telegraph” that inquiries related to water delivery to foreign countries are directed towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This ministry is also responsible for making the final decisions on such matters, as confirmed by representatives from the environmental agency.
Concerns from Agricultural Associations
Ilia Prodanov, the head of the National Association of Grain Producers and a member of the working group at MOEW tasked with evaluating the continuation of the water supply agreement with Greece, expressed concerns regarding the implications of the current contract. He emphasized the importance of carefully considering the impact of international agreements on local agricultural practices and water resource management.
Future of Water Supply Contracts
As discussions progress, the focus remains on ensuring that any decisions made are in the best interest of both domestic stakeholders and international relations. The balance between fulfilling obligations to neighboring countries and safeguarding local water resources is a critical issue that requires thorough examination and collaborative dialogue among all parties involved.
Concerns for Bulgarian Farmers Regarding Irrigation
According to reports, the group has not convened since February. As previously mentioned, the National Association of Agricultural Producers (NAAP) has submitted a position to the Ministry of Environment and Water, emphasizing the necessity to prioritize the interests of Bulgarian farmers when it comes to irrigation practices. This perspective aligns with that of the political party “Revival,” as noted by Daniel Petrov, a member of the Agriculture Committee.
Impact of Drought on Rice Fields
This year’s drought has led to a reduction in rice field areas. Currently, there are no issues regarding the supply of the requested irrigation water, as stated by Snezhina Dineva. She elaborated that prior to the beginning of the irrigation season, several meetings were held with agricultural stakeholders to address and plan for the upcoming challenges.
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Water Supply Challenges and Agricultural Adjustments for 2024
The year 2024 has been designated as a third consecutive “very dry year,” prompting authorities to issue warnings regarding limited water resources. Agricultural sectors are facing significant challenges due to these conditions, reminiscent of similar situations in previous years.
In response to these challenges, water delivery for irrigation is currently being organized according to pre-arranged schedules established between the Irrigation Systems Company and local farmers. This collaboration aims to ensure that agricultural activities can continue despite the limitations imposed by the ongoing drought.
Decline in Rice Cultivation Areas
Recent discussions with local farmers have highlighted a notable reduction in rice cultivation. Specifically, within the Maritsa branch in the Plovdiv region, there has been a decrease of 15,000 acres in the area designated for rice production. This reduction is a direct result of farmers adjusting their crops in response to the prevailing water scarcity.
Farmers are adapting their agricultural practices, recognizing the necessity to conserve water while still striving to maintain viable crop yields. It’s a testament to their resilience and ability to navigate the challenges posed by climate conditions.
Anticiparea unei Secete Severe în 2024
Conform prognozelor meteorologice, anul 2024 se preconizează a fi extrem de uscat, ceea ce ar putea avea un impact semnificativ asupra agriculturii. Una dintre culturile cele mai afectate de aceste condiții este orezul, care necesită cantități mari de apă pentru a crește sănătos.
Impactul Secetei asupra Culturilor de Orez
Orezul este o cultură esențială în multe regiuni ale lumii, fiind un aliment de bază pentru milioane de oameni. În condiții de secetă, disponibilitatea apei devine o problemă majoră, iar fermierii se pot confrunta cu recolte reduse sau chiar cu eșecuri complete ale culturilor. Acest lucru ar putea duce la o creștere a prețurilor alimentelor și la dificultăți economice pentru comunități întregi.
Strategii pentru Gestionarea Resurselor de Apă
În fața acestor provocări, este esențial ca agricultorii să adopte strategii eficiente de gestionare a resurselor de apă. Printre soluțiile posibile se numără utilizarea sistemelor de irigație mai eficiente, cultivarea unor soiuri de orez rezistente la secetă și implementarea tehnicilor de conservare a apei.
Pe măsură ce ne îndreptăm spre anul 2024, este vital să ne pregătim pentru condițiile climatice dificile și să găsim modalități inovatoare de a proteja culturile esențiale, cum ar fi orezul. Planificarea și adaptarea sunt cheia pentru a face față provocărilor ce ne așteaptă.