Gardening Joys in London
Vesela and her husband have a passion for nurturing their garden in the bustling city of London. They find great pleasure in cultivating plants, flowers, and vegetables, transforming their outdoor space into a vibrant oasis amidst the urban landscape.
The Beauty of Nature
For them, gardening is not just a hobby; it’s a way to connect with nature and unwind from the stresses of daily life. They enjoy spending weekends outdoors, planting new seeds and tending to their growing plants, which brings them immense satisfaction.
A Shared Passion
This shared interest has strengthened their bond as a couple. Each plant they grow tells a story, and together they create a serene environment where they can relax and enjoy each other’s company. Gardening has become a cherished part of their lives in London.
Community and Sharing
Additionally, Vesela and her husband often share their gardening experiences with friends and neighbors. They believe in the importance of community and love exchanging tips and tricks to help others cultivate their own gardens. This spirit of collaboration enhances their enjoyment and fosters connections with those around them.
Traditional Bulgarian Vegetables Cultivated Abroad
Traditional Bulgarian varieties of tomatoes, peppers, and other plants are being cultivated beyond the country’s borders. On the international trading platform eBay, numerous listings are available for seeds of delicious Bulgarian vegetables. For instance, 40 grams of seeds for the “Pink Giant” variety are priced at £5.20, which is approximately 12 Bulgarian Lev. The shipment is sent from Bulgaria and comes with free delivery. The seed packaging provides information on the optimal planting season and watering instructions.
Seeds for the Kurto’s Sweet Pepper, celebrated for its excellent flavor and meaty texture, are available for £2 or 4.60 Lev, making it an ideal choice for appetizers and salads. Additionally, seeds for Bulgarian hot peppers cost around £10, equivalent to 23 Lev.
Gardening in the UK
In the United Kingdom, and particularly in London, many Bulgarians engage in vegetable gardening to meet their personal needs. Some manage to harvest crops planted in their own backyards, while others apply for the rental of community plots within the cities.
Community Gardening Opportunities
This opportunity is provided by local councils in England. The rented plots, known as allotments, allow individuals to practice urban gardening. These small parcels of land are allocated by municipal authorities for cultivation by residents.
The rental fees vary depending on the area. Vesela, a Bulgarian who has lived in London for many years, shared with the “Telegraph” that she waited three years to lease a community garden. The lengthy wait is due to the limited staff available to process applications and check for available plots. Currently, she pays £110 annually for a 100 square meter plot, which she utilizes for growing tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, squash, and various other plants. The rental fee also includes access to essential gardening facilities.
Water Supply in Community Gardens
In various community gardens, accessibility to water can differ significantly. Some gardens are equipped with taps conveniently located near the plots, allowing gardeners to fill watering cans or connect hoses. However, in other gardens, running water is absent, leading residents to devise their own systems for collecting rainwater.
Storage for Gardening Tools
To safeguard their gardening tools, Vesela and her husband have constructed a small shed. They leave it unlocked since their gardening neighbors respect each other’s property and do not interfere with the belongings of others. Should they require any tools, they simply ask the owner, and after use, they return them promptly. Despite the shed’s openness, Vesela notes that in the two years they have tended to their plot, nothing has gone missing or been tampered with.
Relaxation in the Garden
Vesela finds joy in unwinding in the garden, as it serves as a peaceful retreat. Often, after work or during weekends, she visits to check on her plants. She has utilized her own seeds, brought from Bulgaria, alongside some gifted varieties. They have selected exquisite Bulgarian tomato types while also incorporating English seed potatoes, which are known for their robustness and suitability for winter storage. Vesela is well-versed in planting and transplanting techniques, noting that the English climate causes the soil to warm up later, resulting in tomato planting occurring only in mid-May.
Diverse Gardening Practices
The neighbors in her community garden hail from various countries, including Albania, Hungary, England, and Bangladesh. Their agricultural methods vary widely. Vesela and her husband prepare their soil in late autumn and early spring, while others adopt a different approach, creating separate beds using wooden frames. The gardens flourish with an array of produce such as tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, strawberries, and more. They also plant blueberries, covering them with nets to protect against birds that would otherwise consume the fruit.
Seeds and Varieties
Vesela primarily uses Bulgarian seeds for zucchini, large-fruited tomatoes like the Buffalo Heart and Rio Grande, as well as hot peppers such as Shipka and Red Capia. Additionally, they cultivate a resilient red English potato variety, eggplants, cucumbers, and a type of squash known as “violin.” This diverse selection reflects their commitment to maintaining a vibrant and productive garden.
Elena Ivanova
Elena Ivanova este o persoană remarcabilă, adesea asociată cu realizări notabile în domeniul său. Cu o carieră dedicată, ea a reușit să își lase amprenta în comunitatea sa, devenind un model de urmat pentru mulți.
Realizări profesionale
De-a lungul anilor, Elena a acumulat o experiență vastă și a obținut numeroase distincții pentru contribuția sa profesională. Abordarea sa inovatoare și angajamentul față de excelență au fost factori cheie în succesul său. Prin proiectele sale, ea a demonstrat nu doar competențe tehnice, ci și o abilitate remarcabilă de a colabora eficient cu colegii.
Impactul asupra comunității
Elena nu se limitează doar la cariera sa. Ea este activă în comunitate, participând la diverse inițiative sociale și susținând cauze importante. Implicarea sa în activități caritabile a contribuit la îmbunătățirea vieții multor oameni din jurul său.
Viziunea de viitor
Privind spre viitor, Elena își propune să continue să inspire și să contribuie la dezvoltarea domeniului său. Cu o viziune clară și un angajament neclintit, ea este determinată să facă o diferență semnificativă în comunitatea ei și în lume.