Apple avoids hefty fines by the European Commission
Apple has managed to avoid serious fines from the European Commission by agreeing to provide its NFC chip technology, which is crucial for contactless payments with the iPhone, to third-party providers.
Antitrust Case Resolved
This resolution effectively resolves the antitrust case and bypasses potential sanctions amounting to several billion dollars. Under a 10-year agreement, Apple will offer free application programming interfaces (APIs) for mobile wallets and payment services to third parties for access to the NFC functionality of the iPhone, regardless of Apple Pay or any other service.
Apple Wallet: Enhancing Payment Security
Apple Wallet now offers access to NFC components in HCE (Host Card Emulation) mode, which securely stores payment data and facilitates transactions without relying on the device’s secure element.
Agreement with Third-Party Mobile Wallet Developers
This agreement covers all third-party mobile wallet developers in the European Economic Area (EEA) and allows their applications to be used for payments within and outside the EEA.
Apple is also committed to features such as default payment app settings, access to FaceID identification, and transaction blocking.
European Commission’s Legal Commitments on NFC Access
The European Commission has declared these commitments legally binding, in response to concerns regarding restrictions on NFC access for iOS users in the EEA.
Challenges for Apple in the US regarding NFC
Despite this, Apple continues to face challenges related to NFC in the US, where the Department of Justice has included this issue in a broader legal case alleging the smartphone market is monopolized.
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