Exploring the Growth of ICT Companies: Nearly 1.5 Billion Euros in Revenue Generated Last Year
The Growing Importance of the ICT Industry in Macedonia The ICT industry in Macedonia is experiencing growth in all parameters,…
Exclusive Feature: Top 6 Trends in International Transportation for 2024
значајната инвестиција во технологија и иновации, им овозможува на компаниите да се прилагодат на променливите услови на пазарот и да…
Professional training for social responsibility and the first “director’s breakfast” at the Responsible Business Club
авување и корпоративната гражданственост се важни аспекти на бизнис практиката кои денес се во фокус. The Responsible Business Club The…
The Struggle for the Cover: Romania as a Strategic Market for “Alkaloid” in the Prestigious Romance Magazine “Business”
Expanding Business in Romania Alkaloid, a pharmaceutical manufacturer from Macedonia, has recently opened a subsidiary in Romania with the goal…
Launching the “Business Leader” project – a new, innovative platform for networking the best of the Macedonian business world
Introducing Business Leader Project The Business Leader Project aims to set new standards in the business community through various activities…
From AmCham on the topic… Access to intellectual property protection for small and medium enterprises
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises Even though the path to protecting intellectual property for small and…
The Balkan Route of Trade in Counterfeit Goods
Challenges in Combating Counterfeit Products in the Balkans Although all regional countries have a similar and strong legal framework on…