TBI Bank and Pint.ro team up to provide Romanians with installment payment insurance options, including RCA, with zero interest
Improving Access to Insurance Products through Innovative Financing Solutions In recent years, the economic and social context in Romania has…
The Monetary Market: Overnight Deposit Interest Rate Drops to 5.77%
Interest Rates in Romania The National Bank of Romania (BNR) announced yesterday that the average level of the overnight deposit…
Peter Simmons, eToro: “Bitcoin sees a decline due to Mt.Gox creditors’ refunds and German government sales”
Bitcoin Price Drops by 11% Amidst Mt.Gox Creditor Fears Last week, Bitcoin continued to decline by 11%, reaching its lowest…
The Financial Market: Overnight Deposit Interest Rate Drops to 5.78%
Interest Rates Update from the National Bank of Romania Yesterday, the National Bank of Romania (BNR) announced that the average…
Competition Authority approves acquisition of BRD Finance IFN debt portfolio by Otto Group
Consiliul Concurenței aprobă preluarea portofoliului de creanțe de către Grupul Otto Consiliul Concurenței a dat undă verde tranzacției prin care…
The National Bank of Romania Decreased the Policy Interest Rate by 0.25 Percentage Points
Interest Rate Decrease by the National Bank of Romania The Board of Directors of the National Bank of Romania has…