Increasing Number of Bulgarian Tourists in Greece
The number of Bulgarian tourists in Greece is on the rise, but the question of whether it is better to spend your seaside vacation there or in Bulgaria remains debatable. Before the pandemic, we had around 1.4 million Bulgarian tourists visiting Greece, and last year the number increased to 1.8 million in total. Some of them, about 400 thousand, go there for work. Others have properties there, have interests, some go just for the weekend, others for a coffee. Greece has become like a second home to us,” said Professor Rumen Draganov, director of the Institute for Tourism Analysis and Assessment, in an interview with bTV.
According to him, from the perspective of Bulgarian tourists, Greece is seen as a familiar and welcoming destination, with many visiting for various reasons beyond just vacation. The increasing number of Bulgarian tourists in Greece indicates a strong connection and attraction between the two countries, despite the ongoing debate about where to spend your holiday.
Bulgaria Expects Increase in Tourist Arrivals in 2021
The number of tourists visiting Bulgaria this year is expected to exceed 2019 levels by over 19%, indicating a promising recovery from the pandemic. Experts predict that the country will welcome around 13 million foreign visitors by the end of the year, with Romanians comprising the largest group. Additionally, 1.2 million tourists are expected to enter Bulgaria from Greece.
Professor Draganov compared the long queues at the border with our southern neighbor to the establishment of a border checkpoint in the Black Sea region. He emphasized the need for efficient border management to accommodate the influx of tourists and ensure a smooth travel experience for all visitors.
The Impact of Tourism on Bulgaria
Bulgaria is a country that attracts millions of tourists each year, both from within the country and abroad. The tourism industry in Bulgaria is a major driver of the economy, employing over 360,000 people in 57 different professions.
While the number of foreign tourists visiting Bulgaria is around 7,000, the number of Bulgarians traveling within the country and abroad is much higher, with over 8.5 million people leaving the country annually. This internal tourism is a significant contributor to the economy, with more than 24 million people traveling within the country each year.
The tourism industry in Bulgaria is diverse, encompassing a wide range of professions including flight attendants, border patrol agents, police officers, tour guides, and retail workers. The industry plays a crucial role in supporting local businesses and providing employment opportunities for thousands of Bulgarians.
The peak of the season: high prices and alternatives
It has been a week since we reached the “peak of the season” – the highest prices in the summer season. Professor Draganov mentioned that those who do not want to pay these high prices could have taken advantage of discounts of up to 30% a month ago, or even 50% in May. Furthermore, there will be a significant reduction in prices in September, starting sometime after August 23rd. Everyone has the choice to select the price that suits them best.