First Electric Transport Plant to be Established in Moldova
The inaugural electric transport facility in Moldova is set to be constructed along the Chișinău – Ungheni route, near the village of Trușeni. Vice Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba, who also serves as the Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, announced that construction will commence this autumn.
Local Production of Electric Buses and Trolleybuses
According to Alaiba, the plant will not only be built in the upcoming months but is also expected to initiate the local production of electric trolleybuses and buses within a year. “We are excited to launch the first electric transport plant in Moldova, which will start construction in the fall. The local manufacturing of electric buses and trolleybuses will follow in about a year,” he stated.
Innovative Electric Bus Features
Last summer, an electric bus was tested and successfully deployed in the city of Bălți. This bus boasts an impressive range of up to 70 kilometers and can be fully charged in just 30 minutes, showcasing the efficiency of electric transport solutions.
Cost-Effectiveness of Local Production
Furthermore, the initiative aims to reduce costs, with the price of each electric transport unit anticipated to be significantly lower than current market rates. This strategic move is expected to enhance the sustainability of public transportation in Moldova while fostering local industry.
New Developments in Electric Transport Production in Moldova
The innovative electric transport manufacturing plant will be operated by the company “Informbusiness,” led by Vitalie Eșanu. Currently, the company is functioning from a facility in Chișinău and has successfully produced approximately 100 units of electric transport to date.
Local Production Making an Impact
Presently, over 70 electric vehicles labeled “Made in Moldova” are actively serving the streets of Chișinău. Additionally, 16 trolleybuses were recently handed over to the local authorities in Bălți. According to the production manager, Vitalie Eșanu, six more trolleybuses are expected to be delivered to the Bălți City Hall by the end of August.
Innovative Solutions for Moldova’s Transport Sector
There are ongoing discussions about potential solutions that could revitalize the Moldovan railway system. One proposal suggests the use of electric trams powered by batteries, manufactured locally in Moldova, to operate on railway tracks. This initiative is anticipated to significantly reduce operational costs.
The trolleybuses being produced represent a step forward in enhancing the public transport infrastructure in the region.
Troleibuzele Electrice din Chișinău: O Producție Locală Inovatoare
În Chișinău, se dezvoltă o industrie promițătoare în domeniul transportului electric, unde se utilizează atât materiale și componente din străinătate, cât și echipamente fabricate local. Acest proces nu se limitează la asamblarea vehiculelor, ci se concentrează pe producția efectivă a troleibuzelor. În comparație cu prețurile practicate pe piața din România, unde un troleibuz electric poate costa de la 650.000 de euro, fără taxe, unitățile produse în Chișinău beneficiază de costuri mult mai avantajoase.
„Datorită forței de muncă mai accesibile și a resurselor locale, suntem capabili să oferim aceste troleibuze la un preț aproape de două ori mai mic,” a subliniat Eșanu. Acum, în capitala Moldovei, circulă 70 de astfel de troleibuze electrice, contribuind la un sistem de transport mai ecologic și mai eficient.
Impactul asupra Transportului Urban
Implementarea troleibuzelor electrice în Chișinău nu doar că reduce costurile de operare, dar și îmbunătățește calitatea aerului și confortul călătorilor. Aceste vehicule sunt esențiale pentru un sistem de transport public sustenabil, care să răspundă nevoilor cetățenilor.
Continuarea investițiilor în această direcție promite o dezvoltare semnificativă a infrastructurii de transport din Chișinău, având un impact pozitiv asupra economiei locale și asupra vieții de zi cu zi a locuitorilor orașului.