The Growing Importance of the ICT Industry in Macedonia
The ICT industry in Macedonia is experiencing growth in all parameters, including revenue, number of employees, and exports. This sector significantly contributes to the state budget through taxes and contributions. It is clear that the state must strategically invest in the ICT industry to stimulate further development in all other sectors of our economy, according to MASIT.
Positive Trends in the ICT Industry
The ICT industry in Macedonia continues to show positive growth trends, according to the latest official data obtained from authorities. This indicates the importance of investing in this sector to drive overall economic development in the country.
The Impact of ICT Industry Growth in 2023
Each year, the Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies – MASIT conducts an analysis to inform the public about the state and trends of the ICT industry. Statistically speaking, the ICT industry shows growth every year, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. The data indicates a consistent growth in the industry, along with a stabilization of economic indicators. In the past years, including the latest data for 2023, the ICT industry has shown impressive results, with a promising outlook for the future.
The Potential of the ICT Industry in Macedonia
The ICT industry in Macedonia benefits from a highly skilled and efficient workforce with excellent knowledge of English and other languages, a solid telecommunications infrastructure, quality software and IT services, as well as superior technical and business expertise at competitive prices. Despite the lack of institutional support from the government, the industry has enormous potential for growth and development in the Macedonian economy. Most companies specializing in software and IT services are export-oriented and play a significant role in the country’s economic landscape.
The Impact of the ICT Sector on Economic Growth
As a sectoral chamber representing exclusively ICT companies in our country, we are particularly proud of our members who are a prime example of strong economic growth felt throughout society. This industry has seen growth in all parameters (revenue, number of employees, exports) and significantly contributes to the state budget through taxes and contributions. This indicates that the government must strategically invest in the ICT industry, as stimulating this sector leads to additional added value.
The Growth of the Industry Sector in Our Economy
According to MASIT, the development of the industry sector is crucial for the growth of all other sectors in our economy. This sector plays a key role in driving economic progress and stability.
Economic Indicators
Below are specific economic indicators that reflect the progress, growth, and stability of certain parameters in the industry:
Number of Companies in the Country
In 2023, there was a noticeable increase in the total number of registered entities in the industry sector. In 2022, there were 2846 active companies in the industry, and in 2023, 3091 companies were registered, showing a 9% growth in this indicator. According to MASIT’s analysis, this growth is a positive sign for the industry’s development.
Increase in the number of companies in 2022
In 2022, there was a 16% increase in the number of companies compared to 2021. This growth was almost double the current growth rate of 9%.
Number of employees in the ICT sector and other costs for employees
In 2022, there were 19,947 employees in the ICT sector, and in 2023, 21,640 employees were recorded. There was an 8% increase in this indicator. For comparison, the previous year’s measured increase was 13% more employees in 2022 compared to 2021, indicating a slight decline in growth.
ечната месечна бруто плата исплатена во ИКТ секторот во 2023 година изнесува над 3000 евра, што претставува значителен пораст според претходните години. Ова покажува дека компаниите се посветени на задржување на квалификувани вработени и на зголемување на нивното задоволство.
The Increase in ICT Sector Salaries
A significant increase has been noted in the payment of other expenses for employees in the industry. In 2023, over 30 million euros were paid, which is 37% more than the previous year of 2022 when companies allocated just over 22 million euros for other expenses. This indicator clearly shows that companies are consistently allocating larger budgets towards increasing benefits and satisfaction for their employees.
Average Monthly Gross Salary Paid in 2023, Including Salary Benefits
The average monthly gross salary paid in the ICT sector in 2023 exceeds 3000 euros, which represents a significant increase compared to previous years. This shows that companies are committed to retaining qualified employees and increasing their satisfaction.
The average monthly gross salary of employees in this industry for the year 2023 shows stability. This indicator in 2023 is 2290 euros, marking a 1% increase compared to the previous year of 2022 when it was 2260 euros for the average monthly gross salary paid per employee.
Salaries and compensation, on the other hand, show a larger increase. In 2023, approximately 266.8 million euros were realized, compared to 215.2 million euros in 2022, showing an increase of 24% in this indicator.
Annual revenue and net exports
The annual revenue and net exports in this industry have shown positive growth, reflecting a strong and thriving sector. The increase in salaries and compensation indicates a healthy and prosperous industry with potential for further development in the future.
Company Growth in 2023
In 2023, companies have seen a 15% increase in revenue from operations and an 18% increase in exports compared to 2022.
Costs for Payroll Taxes and Social Security Contributions
The costs for payroll taxes and benefits in 2023 have also increased by 24% compared to 2022. There has been a rise in mandatory social security contributions as well.
Profit Tax
ICT companies in the country generated a profit tax in 2023, but the exact amount was not disclosed.
Analysis of Market Trends in 2023
Market trends in 2023 show a significant increase in revenue, with a total of over 20 million dollars generated, which is a 13% rise compared to the previous year. This growth can be attributed to various factors impacting the market.
Sources of Data
The data presented in the tables in this text are sourced from reputable institutions such as MASIT, the Central Register, the National Bank, and the State Statistical Office. These sources provide reliable and accurate information on market performance and trends.