Administrare, alături de Vadim Ceban, au mai fost selectați Aliona Gherasim, Ion Carp și Valentin Iordan. Aceștia vor fi supuși unei evaluări suplimentare pentru a decide cine va ocupa cele trei funcții vacante din Consiliul de Administrare al „Moldovagaz”. Decizia finală va fi luată de către Ministerul Energiei în urma analizării rezultatelor evaluării suplimentare.
Board of Directors Candidates Selection
The Administration, the Commission decided to forward the following six candidates to the minister to be elected and designate three other candidates:
- Roman Stavila
- Vadim Ceban
- Constantin Vozian
- Eduard Calancea
- Radu Mandraburca
- Doina Vozian
According to the Rules of the competition, candidates for the position of a member of the Board of Directors of S.A. “Moldovagaz” must have higher education and no political affiliation. Candidates must also have at least three years of professional experience and at least one year in managerial positions.
The Board of Directors of S.A. “Moldovagaz” is composed of nine members appointed at the proposal of the main shareholders, for a term of three years. The company is controlled by the Russian company “Gazprom”.