Introducing Business Leader Project
The Business Leader Project aims to set new standards in the business community through various activities – prestigious award ceremonies, business podcasts, special publications, and a web portal, which will build a platform for recognition, networking, and support among leading businesses in Macedonia.
Official Launch of the Project
Today marks the official beginning of the new Business Leader project, organized by the company Eventika together with Target Group as the analytical partner and Halkbank AD Skopje as the main partner.
The project aims to set new standards in the business community. Through various activities such as prestigious award ceremonies, business podcasts, special publications, and a web portal, the project will build a platform for recognition, networking, and support among leading businesses in Macedonia.
Business Leader Project in Macedonia
The Business Leader project in Macedonia aims to celebrate the success of the Macedonian business community through various activities. This includes prestigious award ceremonies, business podcasts, special publications, and a web portal that will serve as a platform for recognition, networking, and support among leading businesses in Macedonia.
Celebrating Success and Inspiring Innovation
The main focus of the Business Leader project is to acknowledge, inspire, and connect business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators who have contributed to the economic growth and development of Macedonia. The goal of the project is to create a platform where these individuals can be recognized for their achievements and collaborate to further advance the business community in Macedonia.
Business Leader Gala Night
Join us on October 16, 2024, at the Alexander Palace hotel, as we host the Business Leader Gala Night. This event aims to promote high business practices among the largest and most profitable companies, as well as top employers. The evening will feature a spectacular show, inspirational speeches from successful managers on a global scale, and a celebration befitting our deserving business community. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network and be inspired!
ITLE, ќе бидат брандирани како најдобри компании во својата индустрија. Овие признанија се значајни за компаниите бидејќи го покажуваат нивниот успех и иновативност во текот на претходната година. Владимир Ристевски, ко-основач и извршен директор на Евентика ДОО Скопје, истакна дека компанијата ќе се стреми кон постигнување на подобри резултати во иднината и ќе продолжи со иновации и развој на своите услуги.
Vladimir Ristevski, Co-founder and CEO of Eventika DOO Skopje
The top-ranked companies will be rewarded based on their performance in 2023 according to objective rankings for total revenue, profit, and number of employees, as reported by Business Network, the analytical partner in this project that ranks companies in over 20 major industrial sectors based on these three key criteria.
The winners in each category will be highlighted, and those who reach the TITLE will be branded as the best companies in their industry. These recognitions are significant for companies as they demonstrate their success and innovation over the past year. Vladimir Ristevski, co-founder and CEO of Eventika DOO Skopje, emphasized that the company will strive to achieve better results in the future and will continue to innovate and develop its services.
Top 100 companies in the country or Top 10 in their industry and category will be eligible to receive a certificate of success.
Recognizing Business Leaders
Business Leader will reward and highlight the successes of the largest companies from multiple industries, recognizing and showcasing their business achievements as an example for all entrepreneurs and companies.
Celebrating Women Business Leaders
We want to give recognition to our prominent business leaders – women, who are in top executive positions at some of the most powerful and largest companies in the country. Recognition will also be given to the best startups in the country, with revenues.
Recognizing Excellence in Business Growth
Every year, we celebrate and reward companies that have shown exceptional growth and success in their respective industries. These companies have managed to achieve significant milestones, such as generating over 1 million euros in their first year or securing pre-seed investments worth millions of euros.
Awarding the Fastest Growing Companies
Among the companies recognized are the fastest-growing businesses, known as “gazelles,” which are required to demonstrate a three-year consecutive revenue growth of over 200% according to strict criteria. These companies represent the dynamism and innovation driving our economy forward.
Recognizing Excellence in Financial Stability
Additionally, we honor the most creditworthy company in the country, which has successfully met the stringent criteria set by the credit rating agency Target Group for the past three years. By maintaining an A rating, this company has shown exceptional financial stability and responsibility, setting a benchmark for others to follow.
Ognen Ognenoski: Highest Scores Among All Key Financial Indicators
Ognen Ognenoski, founder and CEO of Target Group LLC Skopje, stated that their company has achieved the highest scores among all key financial indicators.
In this event, Bilal Sudzubashi, CEO of Halkbank AD Skopje, the main partner of the Business Leader project, also addressed the media representatives.
“Halkbank has always been a supporter of businesses, ranging from large established successful companies to small, medium, and micro-enterprises,” said Sudzubashi.
Building Future Business Leaders
Every country needs young entrepreneurs who, with the right support, will grow into successful business leaders. That’s why we gladly accepted to support and partner with a project that celebrates the success of Macedonian companies, highlighting their achievements and success stories.
Becoming a business leader requires vision, courage, hard work, and dedication. These were the core principles on which Halkbank AD Skopje built its story in North Macedonia, starting in 2011 when Halkbank as a brand began to flourish.
Success Story of Halkbank AD Skopje
Bilal Sudzubashi, CEO of Halkbank AD Skopje, expressed his satisfaction with the bank’s performance on the Macedonian financial market. He stated that they knew there was a lot of work ahead to achieve their goal of becoming one of the largest banks in the country, and they succeeded.
Recognition for Business Leadership
Bilal Sudzubashi, CEO of Halkbank AD Skopje, was honored as the main partner of the Business Leader project. The organizers of Business Leader announced that in 2023, the Top 500 companies in Macedonia had a total revenue of 21.2 billion euros. Halkbank AD Skopje’s success played a significant role in this achievement.
Business Leaders in Macedonia
With 500 companies employing a total of 173,698 people, the business sector in Macedonia plays a significant role in the country’s economy, accounting for over 21% of the total workforce. Through this project, these companies aim to introduce the Macedonian public to all the business leaders in the country.