Summer Peak Season on the Romanian Coast
With over 100,000 tourists flocking to the coast this week, it’s the peak of the summer season. This is the time when people spend the most on accommodation, beach loungers, and food.
Monday at Eforie Beach
The beaches of Eforie Nord and Costinesti are packed to the brim, but it’s not until August, or at least on weekends, that hotels will be fully booked. A Monday at Eforie Beach is a crowded affair – there’s barely any space to spread out a towel, and taking a selfie without capturing the sky is a challenge. This is the period with the highest prices on the coast. A beach lounger in Eforie, one of the more affordable resorts, rents for 50 lei per day, and it’s not unlikely for prices to go up even more come August.
Girl: “The prices for beach loungers will increase by 20-30 lei, no more, it’s the same every year. But people prefer to sit on the sand with their towels.” Man: “A beer at a terrace can cost 10 lei, 12 lei, 15 lei, depending on where you drink it and what kind of beer you want, a steak is 40 lei.”
Costurile unei vacanțe de o zi la mare
Când ajungi la mare, fie că ești cu familia sau singur, trebuie să ții cont de bugetul disponibil pentru a te bucura de toate activitățile oferite de destinație. Un bărbat a declarat că pentru o zi la mare, fără cazare, se alocă în jur de 200 de euro.
Costul cazării în Eforie
Costul unei nopți de cazare în Eforie la un hotel de 3 stele a ajuns la 400 de lei. Cei care au făcut rezervări din timp au reușit să obțină tarife mai avantajoase. O femeie a declarat că a plătit în jur de 350 de lei pe noapte pentru o cameră de 3 stele, datorită rezervării făcute cu anticipație.
Costul unei mese la autoservire
Un prânz la un restaurant de autoservire poate costa între 50 de lei pentru o persoană și 300 de lei pentru o familie. Patronii restaurantelor susțin că mulți clienți fac eforturi pentru a plăti nota de plată și nu au de gând să majoreze prețurile. Un comerciant a declarat că folosește vouchere și cash pentru a încasa banii de la clienți, menținând prețurile la un nivel accesibil.
Peak Season Prices in Mamaia
The peak season for tourism in Mamaia typically falls between July 15th and August 20th, when prices are at their highest. Prices tend to remain the same in July and early August. Currently, the estimated occupancy rate along the coast is at 75-80%, reaching up to 85% on weekends. In Mamaia, prices are usually higher compared to other resorts. A single night at a 4-star hotel during peak season can cost around 1,000 lei, while an apartment ranges between 2,000 and 2,600 lei. Dining out for four people can also amount to around 1,000 lei. On the beach, a sunbed can be rented in Mamaia for 100 to 150 lei, depending on the location.
Despite the high prices, bookings made through travel agencies or online platforms indicate that August will bring a record number of tourists to the seaside. Nearly 130,000 people are expected, with the majority of them choosing to visit Mamaia.
Explore the All-Inclusive Resorts in Southern Beach Resorts
Located in the southern part of the coastline, the all-inclusive resorts offer a luxurious vacation experience. With a concentration of hotels offering all-inclusive packages, these resorts provide everything you need for a perfect getaway.
Cost of a 7-Day Vacation
If you are planning a 7-day vacation in August, be prepared to spend between 1,800 and 2,500 lei per person. This cost includes accommodation, meals, and various activities offered by the resort. It’s a great way to relax and enjoy your holiday without having to worry about additional expenses.
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