Surge in Local Tourism Spending in Türkiye
Official data revealed that spending on tourism in Türkiye more than doubled in the first quarter of the year, despite challenging economic conditions. Domestic demand remained strong, with travel expenditures increasing by 103.2% to TL 45.26 billion ($1.37 billion).
Domestic Travel Trends
In the first three months of the year, 8.26 million residents in Türkiye embarked on domestic trips. However, trips with overnight stays saw a slight decrease of 2.3% compared to the previous year, totaling 9.85 million trips.
Overnight Stays and Average Length of Stay
Despite the slight decrease in trips with overnight stays, domestic travelers in Türkiye recorded 65.23 million overnight stays during the first quarter. The average length of stay was 6.6 nights, indicating a significant contribution to the local tourism sector.
Resilient Tourism Sector
Despite high inflation rates above 70%, the tourism sector in Türkiye has shown resilience, with strong domestic travel numbers and increased spending. The data reflects the continued interest in domestic tourism and the willingness of residents to explore their own country.
Turkish Economy Takes a Hit Amid Falling Inflation
After finally achieving disinflation in June, Turkey is now facing the consequences as its economy continues to decline. The country’s decision to tighten its monetary policy last year has led to a decrease in domestic expenditures and a shift in current account deficits to surpluses.
Impact of Tourism on the Economy
Tourism has always been a key player in the Turkish economy, and it has helped the country bounce back from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. With 56.7 million visitors in the previous year, Turkey has shown significant growth in the tourism sector.
Rise in Domestic Expenditures
In 2023, domestic expenditures in Turkey saw a significant increase compared to the previous year, reaching nearly TL 229.8 billion. Personal expenditures accounted for the majority of this spending, with package tours making up a smaller portion of total expenses.
Travel Spending Trends in 2023
In 2023, the majority of travel expenditures were allocated to food and beverages, accounting for 33.3% of total spending. Transportation expenses followed closely behind, making up 28.8% of the total, while accommodation expenses accounted for 10.9%.
Record Foreign Arrivals in 2023
Foreign arrivals reached a record high of 49.2 million in 2023, surpassing the previous year’s 44.6 million tourists. The increase was driven by visitors from Russia and Europe, particularly Germany, leading the way. When including the nearly 7.5 million Turkish citizens residing abroad, the total figure rose to 56.7 million.
Boost in Tourism Income
Tourism income also saw a significant boost, reaching an all-time high of $54.32 billion in 2023, compared to $46.48 billion in 2022. The government is optimistic about further growth, with expectations for arrivals to reach 60 million this year and 90 million by 2028. Income projections also indicate a rise to $60 billion in 2023 and a target of $100 billion in five years.
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