Introducing Metlen Energy & Metals
Changing our name, but not our DNA. Our new name, Metlen Energy & Metals, will accompany our efforts to cover as many international markets as possible. With these few words, the head of the Energy Department of the company (formerly Mytilineos), Giannis Kalafatas, described tonight at an event in Thessaloniki a journey that began in early 2023, when a gap was identified in the group’s branding abroad: the name “Mytilineos” is difficult to pronounce and retain outside the borders.
ηλών κορυφών μοιράστηκε ο κ. Καλαφατάς στην εκδήλωση. Μετά την αλλαγή του ονόματος σε Metlen, η εταιρεία προετοιμάζεται να εισέλθει σε νέες αγορές διευρύνοντας το αποτύπωμά της παγκοσμίως. Με ένα όνομα που αποπνέει σεβασμό και εμπιστοσύνη, η Metlen είναι έτοιμη να αντιμετωπίσει τις προκλήσεις και να επιτύχει ακόμα περισσότερα. Οι εργαζόμενοι της εταιρείας είναι έτοιμοι να αναλάβουν αυτή τη νέα περιπέτεια και να συμβάλουν στην ανάπτυξη και επιτυχία της Metlen. καινοτόμα, που επενδύει στην έρευνα και ανάπτυξη και αναζητά συνεχώς νέες τεχνολογικές λύσεις για τη βελτίωση των προϊόντων της.
Metlen: A New Era in Metal and Energy
Vivian Bouzali, director of corporate affairs and communications at Metlen, announced a new chapter in the company’s history, reaching new heights and important milestones both within and beyond borders. According to her, this marks a new era that will showcase the company as a leading player in the industry, expanding its strong international presence in even more countries.
By combining metals and energy, Metlen focuses on synergies, allowing its activities to support each other. It is an innovative company that invests in research and development, constantly seeking new technological solutions to enhance its products.
Our Commitment to Excellence
Our company embodies a harmonious blend of energy and minerals, combining Greek roots with an international perspective, the dynamism of innovation with the technical expertise of deep experience. We hold onto this quality and value as a legacy to move forward. We may change our name, but we keep everything that has been at the core of our success: courage, determination, creativity, hard work, perseverance, high technical knowledge, and innovation. And we continue to evolve all of these at the cutting edge, so that we can move forward with confidence.
Embracing Change and Moving Forward
Every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth. No matter how far our company may expand, it will always have its core existence here in Greece, where it all began. In Thessaloniki, where one of our most outward-looking activities, that of renewable sources, has its roots,” emphasized Mrs. Bouzali.
A Difficult Test, 26 Different Names, and a Neutron Star
The director of corporate affairs and communications at Metlen described the transition process to the new name as a challenging test for everyone. In the end, it turned out to be a personal journey of transformation.
Choosing the New Name
After much deliberation, the company’s president, Evangelos Mytilinaios, made the decision to rebrand. The entire top management team worked together to find the perfect name for the company’s new identity. Mytilinaios was a well-known and beloved name, so it was not an easy task to make the change. It took us about a year and a half, I believe. We tried a total of 26 names (…) in order to have the same name in 40 countries, and we narrowed it down to two options. Finally, we settled on Metlen, a name that the president himself came up with. We were close to choosing another name, but ultimately decided on Metlen for its uniqueness and global appeal.
The Inspiration Behind Metlen
Evangelos Mytilenaios was the visionary behind Metlen. He believed in creating a symbol that would represent the essence of our planet. The new logo of the company combines the main source of energy on Earth, the Sun, with the visual representation of a pulsar, a rotating neutron star that emits energy beams from its poles.
The Symbolism of the Puzzle
The puzzle symbolizes a twin star made up of many individual elements that come together and function harmoniously. It has the ability to move dynamically when needed, adapting to new challenges and situations.
The Symbol of Flexibility and Evolution
The change of name for the company Metlen represents a new beginning, symbolizing flexibility, adaptability, evolution, and the energy of our people. This new chapter signifies a commitment to doing more than ever before, as explained by Nikos Papapetrou, the CEO of M Renewables.
M Renewables, with a presence in 32 countries across five continents, employs 1000 individuals and has collaborated with leading companies in the global energy transition sector. This rebranding marks a fresh start and a renewed dedication to innovation and progress in the field of renewable energy.
The Importance of Investing in Human Talent
In a recent interview, the chief people officer of the company, Sarah Fideli, highlighted the significance of human talent. She emphasized the importance of aligning human resource strategy with business goals. “By investing in people, we are investing in the vision of our company,” she concluded.