ива, която има за цел да изследва потенциала на DLT и wCBDC върху финансовата система. Целта на проекта е да се разбере как тези нови технологии могат да подобрят ефективността на плащанията и да намалят разходите за трансфер на пари.
Exploring new technologies in central banking
The Bank of England is planning to start a new series of tests involving Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and wholesale Central Bank Digital Currencies (wCBDC).
The aim of these initiatives is to examine the evolving landscape of payments and assess the implications of new financial technologies. With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies and associated technologies, central banks worldwide are exploring how to integrate these innovations.
The Bank of England is participating in the Agora project – an initiative aimed at exploring the potential of DLT and wCBDC on the financial system. The project’s goal is to understand how these new technologies can enhance payment efficiency and reduce money transfer costs.
това, БМР ще изследва и потенциала за използване на цифрови валути за подпомагане на международните плащания и за създаване на по-ефективни финансови инструменти. Това ще помогне на банката да поддържа конкурентоспособността си в бързо променящия се свят на финансите.
Exploring Tokenized Bank Deposits and Central Bank Money
The bank for International Settlements (BIS) is conducting research on the exchange of tokenized bank deposits and central bank money in various currencies.
Adapting to Technological Advancement for Financial Stability
CEO Andrew Bailey emphasized the need for the bank to adapt alongside technological advancements in order to ensure monetary and financial stability. Experiments will focus on transferring assets between platforms, including those using DLT, while ensuring compatibility with the bank’s real-time gross settlement system.
Exploring the Use of Digital Currencies for International Payments
In addition, the BIS will also explore the potential use of digital currencies to facilitate international payments and create more efficient financial instruments. This will help the bank maintain its competitiveness in the rapidly changing world of finance.
The English Central Bank’s Collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Financial Regulators
The English Central Bank is planning to collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and financial regulators to ensure the consistency of various forms of currency, including stable coins and tokenized deposits, by guaranteeing their interchangeability.