Consultare publică înainte de modificările fiscale
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that no fiscal changes can be discussed in the government without prior completion of a public consultation and agreement with the private sector and civil society, using the example of the “fiscal personal identification number” proposed by the Ministry of Public Finance.
July 30 – Profit News TV Marathon: Artificial Intelligence in the Economy. Partners: Garanti BBVA, Gomag.
“Another major decision is that no fiscal changes can be introduced in the government without prior completion of a public consultation and agreement with the private sector and civil society! Neither Mr. Boloș, nor other ministers can bring projects in this regard, such as the fiscal personal identification number, for example, until they go through this process. I believe this is fair and this is the expectation of the Romanians!”, Prime Minister Ciolacu supported.
Intervening in the air delay scandal
Recently, Prime Minister Ciolacu made it clear at the beginning of the Government meeting that Minister Boloș should have first discussed the changes regarding e-Invoice, e-Transport, and e-VAT with the business environment, with those affected by them. The Ministry of Finance has assured that they are exploring ways in which personal data found on the electronic invoice can be converted into a tax identification form that does not allow direct correlation with the person’s identity for whom the invoice was issued.
Finance Minister Marcel Boloș previously stated that a form of buyer identification, such as the Personal Numerical Code (PNC) or another variant (analyzed by the Ministry of Finance), will only appear on the fiscal receipt upon the buyer’s request if they wish to participate in a fiscal credit system, where the state reimburses or offsets them against tax debts.
Combaterea evaziunii fiscale prin recompensarea cetățenilor
În încercarea de a reduce evaziunea fiscală în domeniile cu risc fiscal, guvernul a introdus o nouă politică care implică recompensarea cetățenilor pentru solicitarea bonului fiscal la achiziționarea produselor. Această măsură a fost prezentată într-o conferință de presă de către Boloș, care a subliniat importanța implicării cumpărătorului în combaterea evaziunii fiscale.
Modelul propus se bazează pe un sistem similar implementat cu succes în Portugalia, cunoscut sub numele de credit fiscal. Acest sistem a avut rezultate pozitive în reducerea evaziunii fiscale și a adus beneficii semnificative economiei portugheze. Ideea principală este să încurajeze cumpărătorii să solicite bonul fiscal de la comercianți, iar apoi să îl declare în mod inteligent în declarația lor fiscală unică.
Prin această politică, bonurile fiscale din domeniile cu risc fiscal vor fi înregistrate și un procent din valoarea acestora va fi acordat sub formă de credit fiscal. Acest sistem va recompensa cetățenii care sunt implicați în lupta împotriva evaziunii fiscale și va crea o cultură a transparenței și corectitudinii în tranzacțiile comerciale.
Exploring the Portuguese Tax Credit Model
One alternative to combat tax evasion that has been proposed is the Portuguese tax credit model. This model allows buyers to be reimbursed for a certain percentage of their purchases in specific industries. The government can benefit from this by encouraging the issuance of invoices and fiscal receipts in these sectors, or by allowing buyers to use the tax credit as a form of compensation for other taxes.
It is important to note that this is just a proposal and no decision has been made yet. Various options, including the Portuguese tax credit model, have been discussed with representatives from the World Bank. However, discussions have not taken place within the government or coalition parties.
While the Portuguese model involves percentages ranging from 1% to 3% based on the industry, it is still being analyzed as a reference model for effective measures against tax evasion. It is crucial for buyers and individuals to understand that no action is required from their end other than requesting the issuance of invoices.
The Importance of Fiscal Receipts
Offering a fiscal receipt and entering the numeric code is optional, to be very clear. Therefore, it is not the buyer’s obligation, but rather the buyer’s choice, who requests the fiscal receipt and, along with the fiscal receipt, their personal numeric code, in order to collect the information through the reporting system of fiscal cash registers and bring them into this intelligent unique declaration, which is the basis of the mechanism. Once again, it is a study model and, if you will, with results for what it means to combat tax evasion in those areas where fiscal receipts are not issued,” said Boloș.